Get Rid Of Ugly Tree Stumps With Any Of These 5 Easy Methods
Tree stump removal is actually a more challenging task than felling the tree itself. The tree removal services may not have included stump removal in their price quote. Or the previous property owner may have decided to leave the stump in situ.
No matter the reason – you must get that stump removed ASAP! It’s unsightly, hazardous, and dangerous.
Here we have listed the most popular options for stump removal Rochester NY. Go through them all and choose the method that’s right for your property.
Methods For Tree Stump Removal
Method No 1: Use Chemicals
This is the least labour-intensive way to get rid of tree stumps. However, this method takes time – especially if the size of your stump is too big.
In some cases, it takes almost a year to complete a tree stump removal process with chemicals. But the good news is - this process is inexpensive (more so if you already have a chainsaw and a drill right at home!).
Method No 2: Remove The Stump Manually
Don't wait too long to get rid of tree stumps? Then, you can choose to remove the stump manually.
Again, this method is not expensive if you already have the tools. It would take around 3-10 hours to finish the work. But once you are done, that ugly stump will be history.
Method No 3: Burn The Tree Stump
Another DIY tree stump removal option is the burning method. You may use this method alone or in conjunction with any of the above-listed stump removal processes.
Things you will for burning the stump include:
Stump removal product (For e.g. – Stump Out)
Kerosene or fuel oil
Power drill
Method No 4: Use A Stump Grinder
If the stump in question is large, renting a stump grinder is your best bet. You can rent a stump grinder from any local home improvement store. It would generally cost between $100 and $200.
You will also need a few extra tools other than the stump grinder including:
Method 5: Rotting The Tree Stump Naturally
Rotting a tree stump naturally takes a few years to complete. You have to first cut the stump as low to the ground as possible. Next, drill holes deep into the surface.
Then, bury the remains of the stump in leaf mulch, compost, and other organic matter, and leave it to rot down. Eventually, it will rot enough that you can hack it with a spade or an axe.
You Have One Last One Option!
Not a fan of lighting fires, waiting weeks, or operating heavy equipment? No worries - you can always hire professional tree removal Rochester NY services.
Expert tree service companies like Branch Specialists Rochester are a recommended name for it. Their stump removal experts have the knowledge and resources to get rid of tree stumps quickly and efficiently.
Get your stump removal project started today!
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