
Showing posts from August, 2022

Get Rid Of Ugly Tree Stumps With Any Of These 5 Easy Methods

Tree stump removal is actually a more challenging task than felling the tree itself. The tree removal services may not have included stump removal in their price quote. Or the previous property owner may have decided to leave the stump in situ. No matter the reason – you must get that stump removed ASAP! It’s unsightly, hazardous, and dangerous.  Here we have listed the most popular options for stump removal Rochester NY . Go through them all and choose the method that’s right for your property. Methods For Tree Stump Removal Method No 1: Use Chemicals This is the least labour-intensive way to get rid of tree stumps. However, this method takes time – especially if the size of your stump is too big. In some cases, it takes almost a year to complete a tree stump removal process with chemicals. But the good news is - this process is inexpensive (more so if you already have a chainsaw and a drill right at home!). Method No 2: Remove The Stump Manually Don't wait too long to get rid of...