How To Properly Check Insurances Of A Tree Removal Company?

Tree service insurance coverage is probably not the first thing you think about when hiring professionals. But it’s undeniably the most quintessential consideration. What happens if a tree branch falls on an arborist or your home while the work is going on? Or if someone falls and gets cuts? For all those scenarios, you have to check the type and level of insurance the best tree services in Rochester NY carries. Here, we’ll talk about how to correctly examine the insurance of a professional company before hiring them. Different Kinds Of Tree Service Insurance Your Hired Company Must Possess Usually, there are two types of insurance coverage for you to check – worker’s compensation and general liability. Let’s take a closer glance at two tree removal insurance coverage . Worker’s Compensation Insurance All tree care companies are required by law to carry worker's compensation insurance. The insurance must specifically cover tree services and not just landscaping work. Here is why...